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Kokee Tea Fundraiser Event

Menal Qureshi

Every year Address MS hopes to host at least one community lead fundraiser regarding Multiple Sclerosis. Last year on May 28th, Address MS held a community MS walk consisting of 55 people, which raised over 1,000 dollars for the National Multiple Sclerosis Society. This year we decided to take an alternative approach to fundraising.

A recent survey indicates that in the past 3 months, 94% of adults aging from 20 to 29 purchased boba or bubble tea. This survey clearly defined the increasing popularity of boba within young consumers. Since Address MS targets mainly high-school students, the executive board wanted to appeal to the audience effectively. We shortly reached out to the Kokee Tea Branch,a boba cafe, in South Riding, VA to talk about the possibility of a fundraiser. We were met with great warmth and support, and were able to settle on a suitable date on which a certain percentage of their profits would be given to us. The condition was that this profit percentage would only apply to customers who said Address MS when giving their order.

On April 27, 2023 we held the fundraiser at Kokee Tea, shortly before the long dreaded AP Exam season for high students. The opportunity to get boba during a study break for a good cause, was an appealing idea for many students. Lekha Shetty, a local high school student shared that, “The unity and participation of our community in raising funds for a genuine cause left me speechless.” Around 50 people came to Kokee Tea and supported the cause. Through the fundraiser we were able to make 400 dollars (100 in profit) that the Address MS Team either hopes to donate to the National Multiple Sclerosis Society and utilize a portion to invest in future fundraising efforts. Through individual efforts within communities in the world, there is no doubt that awareness can be spread and funds can be raised, not only for MS, but for the several diseases and health-issues plaguing human existence.



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Freedom High School

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