Functional Electrical Stimulation or FES is a treatment device used on patients suffering from MS to help their ability to move better. Because of the nerve damage caused by conditions of MS, the body’s muscles aren’t able to receive the correct message sent by the central nervous system. In this situation, FES is used to send an external message to the muscles physically through small electric shocks to the affected muscles.
When it comes to MS, FES is most used for “foot drop”, or the inability to be able to lift your foot which MS patients struggle with. This causes difficulties in walking and constant tripping due to the brain’s inability to send the proper signal.
The actual FES device is a strap/cuff that goes around the leg right below the knee; it consists of a control box with batteries and electrodes. The reason it is worn under the knee is so that the device can send the electrodes to stimulate the nerves to help the process of putting one foot in front of the other. The stimulation begins at the start by taking a step, and lifting the foot. The device sends a mild shock to stimulate the nerve to lift the foot, then the stimulation stops when it’s time to put the foot down.
There are many benefits to this device such as being able to walk normally and faster with less effort. It also reduces the risk of constant tripping and falling, it creates an opportunity to be able to travel independently without having to depend on family or friends for guidance. It can also help strengthen weak muscles due to the regular movement of being able to walk normally which also increases confidence.
But along with the device’s many benefits it does come with some discomforts as well. Such as the discomfort of the electrical shocks giving a “pins and needles” like feel, you must also make sure that the strap is in its correct position at all times for it to work properly, and the electrical stimulation could also cause irritation depending on your skin type. Not just the reasons listed but getting used to the feel and dynamics of the FES on your body is something that takes time to get used to, though it may not be for everyone, it is something that has impacted many MS patients’ lives positively.